4N6FLOQ Swabs® Genetics is the line of Copan patented FLOQSwabs® specifically designed and dedicated to DNA collection for human identification.
4N6FLOQ Swabs® optimize the efficiency of the target collection
Stability over time
Different shapes for different collection
Forensic DNA grade
FLOQ® technology
Breaking point: 20 mm
For more than ten years, the 4N6 FLOQSwabs® Genetics line led the development of a new quality standard for forensics applications. This series delivers a first-rate product line for the whole range of forensic applications, such as databasing, sexual assault, paternity testing, evidence collection, genotyping, and skin microbiome. The active drying system absorbs water molecules, preventing microbial growth and guaranteeing DNA stability for 12+ months at RT and −80°C.
Shaft/head: Regular or Subungual
Certifications: ISO 18385:2016. The validated EO treatment assesses the degradation of possible human DNA residuals. Free of amplifiable human DNA, detectable and amplifiable DNase, and RNase. Personnel STR database.
Caution: 4N6FLQ Swabs® Genetics are not intended for diagnostic purposes.