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Pipettor Mech 1000 - 5000µl, Proline 1 * 1 item

Stock Code: 613-4054

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Ergonomic pipettes with fast, easy operation. Selected models offer changeable tip cone filters to prevent liquids and aerosols entering the pipette.

Easy calibration and maintenance, small number of parts Smooth plunger action and simple in-lab recalibration and service Volume setting by a simple click-stop Ergonomic finger support, which reduces the risk of RSI

Two types of filters are offered: Safe-Cone standard filter and Safe-Cone Plus filter. It is recommended to use the Standard filter for general applications and the Plus filter for more demanding applications, such as cell culture, bacterial, viral work and molecular biology.

Delivery information: Supplied with five extra filters, forceps and a calibration tool.

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