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Soap Liquid, anti-microbial, 1L Dispenser, 1 * 1 item

Stock Code: 115-0905

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This antimicrobial hand soap contains 2% Nonoxynol 9, a concentrated coconut based lotion, safe enough to use as a shower soap.
It also contains 0,5% p-Chloro-m-xylenol (PCMX) that is effective in destroying a broad spectrum of organisms including: Candida albicans, Rhizopus nigricans, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aerobacter/airogenus, Proteus vulgaris, Staphylococcus aureus, E.coli, B.cereus, B.subtilis, Streptococcus faecalis, Penicillium chrysogenum, Mocur recemosa, Altenaria solani, Oidium lactis, Aspergilius niger, Saccharomyces pastorianus, Torula roseus.

Natural moisturisers and conditioners act gently but effectively on the skin, to combat the effects of water, harsh solutions and other irritants.

Guards against a wide range of bacterial and fungal organisms.

May be used repeatedly without drying the skin

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