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Complete SSK Sampling Kit with swab and square (10 x 10cm) template, 1 * 10 kits.

Stock Code: 710-0475

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Our Swab Rinse Kits line includes comprehensive tailor-made collection and devices for the detection of environmental microbial contamination in a broad range of environments, such as food production, pharmaceutical sites, and hospital wards.

Inspectors and Quality Assurance personnel can use SRK® products for routine surface monitoring within manufacturing areas, hospital surfaces, and equipment.

SRK® - square sampling kit for bioburden control of surfaces: 1 tube with 10 ml of SRK® solution + 1 separate large viscose/plastic applicator + 1 template mask (10×10 cm) pkg: 10 pcs per carton; Rayon wrapped regular tip; 10×1, individually wrapped; 16×100 skirted bottom tube, 10ml.

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